Teach a child to read

Reading has always been such an important part of my life. The thousands of book I have read have taken me places I will never be able to travel, envoked feelings that I will never experience in real life, and presented new thoughts I never would have had on my own.

It is so important to instill a love of reading in our children. They are the next generation. We need them to be smarter than we are. We need them to think outside the box. And all of this can start with simply taking the time to encourage reading.

Because reading allows you to experience worlds that are not your own, it boosts a person's willingness to move beyond their own little bubble to experience life for themselves and to form their own thoughts and feelings.

All of this can begin with a simple children's book.

Whether it's Mother Goose, Dr. Seuss
or Aesop's Fables that clutter your tables,
a child who's encouraged to read
will experience life indeed.